Imitators of God: Ephesians Series Pt. 4

“Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path” Psalm 119:105 (GNT)

“…stop living like stupid, godless people. Their minds are in the dark, and they are stubborn and ignorant and have missed out on the life that comes from God… For once you were darkness, but now in the Lord you are light. Live as children of light” Ephesians 4:17, 18, 5:8 (CEV; NRSV)

“Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them” Ephesians 5:11 (NASB)

“Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy” Ephesians 4:21-24 (NLT)

3 Things That Can Help Us Better Live As CHILDREN OF LIGHT:


“…with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is over all and through all and in all” Ephesians 4:2-6 (NASB)


“But each of us was given grace according to the measure of Christ’s gift … The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ” Ephesians 4:7, 11-13 (NRSV)


“We must no longer be children, tossed to and fro and blown about by every wind of doctrine, by people’s trickery, by their craftiness in deceitful scheming. But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every ligament with which it is equipped, as each part is working properly, promotes the body’s growth in building itself up in love” Ephesians 4:14-16 (NRSV)

“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it”

John 1:15